Joining the Yukon Council on Aging makes you part of a growing community of older Yukoners committed to quality of life and engagement for all seniors. Our broad base of members gives YCOA a unique voice on important issues like housing, health care, and income supports.
Members also support YCOA's direct services to Yukoners. These include the Seniors Information Centre, where seniors get up-to-date information about government and other programs. There's also the Home and Yard Maintenance program, which links seniors who need jobs done with workers who can do them. And YCOA hosts Learning for Life events -- presentations by experts on real-life topics of special interest to seniors in the Yukon.
To keep on top of these and other happenings, members receive the Sourdough Chronicle, a quarterly newsletter devoted exclusively to local news and happenings for our age group. YCOA also publishes a useful information guide and a list of seniors' discounts available from Yukon businesses.
To join complete the following two steps:
Complete and submit the MEMBERSHIP FORM to the YCOA office (address on the form).
Remit membership fee by cheque, cash or e-transfer (information regarding e-transfer on the form).
Anyone living outside the Yukon may join as an associate member; however, associate members do not have voting privileges at general meetings.
Membership Fee: $15.00 per year Membership Year: April 1st - March 31st